Thursday, September 26, 2013

Windows into Lives


Haze and glare and light pollution obscure the stars burning brightly above the urban streets.  However, it has been said that deep within the city one doesn't need to see the stars, because the stars are all around them.  Every window tells a story.  Constellations form in the illumination of office towers, residential apartments, and downtown condominiums.

Every window is a portal to another life, another set of experiences, and another way of viewing the world.  And there are windows in every town, in every city, in every country, on every continent, on the planet.  Over seven billion unique story tellers wait to share their vision of the cosmos here on Earth.

Out My Window is an interactive multimedia presentation presented by the National Film Board of Canada (NFB).  It tells a number of these tales.

Step One: visit Out My Window (

Step Two: explore a number of the windows, and tales, within the multimedia experience

Step Three: choose two of the windows, and write a one paragraph explanation for each.  In your paragraph you should touch upon how their lives are both similar and dissimilar from your own.  Juxtapose their experiences with your experiences and try to imagine yourself in their shoes.

Step Four: Imagine what your window might look like to others, hoping to look in.

Follow up: For tomorrow's class you will need a digital picture of your bedroom.  The picture of your bedroom should be taken in such a way that it summarizes who you are as a person - allowing anyone who sees the picture to gain insight into what makes you you.

You may need to move objects around to stage the image.

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