Monday, September 23, 2013

Vectoring - Final Project

Typography Assignment Due: Thursday, September 26th, 2013

What: You are to take a digital photograph of your mother or your father. In an event where such a photograph would be impossible, choose another close family member, or someone whom you consider, “family.”

You will then vector their face to create one image. This image will be saved / exported as PNG.

The second step is to learn about this person – things that matter to them, and things that they feel strongly about. Using your typographic knowledge, you will choose fonts / text that work to summarize their personality. This will then be exported as PNG as well.

Both images are to be uploaded to your blog no later than September 26th, 2013.

Mark Breakdown
Knowledge /50
  • understanding of Inkscape demonstrated in final product
  • image vectored
  • no background image in final export
  • text layer applied atop image
  • vectored image visually pleasing
  • vectored image could be used for professional purposes

Thinking /30
  • subject of image suits the assignment
  • text used suits the assignment

Communication /15
  • text used is visually pleasing, with proper font / colour choices
  • no spelling / grammatical errors

Application /5
  • final product would make a lovely holiday gift for subject

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