Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to EMS3O1

Welcome to EMS3O:
Over the next five months you will create a number of different projects, ranging from static images to motion video.  There will be an opportunity to look at movies, comics, popular culture, advertisements, and more.

As we move through this hands-on, computer oriented curriculum a number of new skills may be presented.  While it might seem like a challenge at first, knowing that you're part of a larger network might be of some help.  There are tutorials on the internet for just about everything.

And, of course, there will be tutorials presented in class as well.

Step One:
The first thing you need to do is create a virtual portfolio.  To do this, you need to head over to http://www.blogger.com/ and set up an account.  Don't worry.  They're free.

Blog Step 1:
Head on over to blogger.com

If you have a Gmail account then you can use that, otherwise click on “Get Started.”

Fill out the information.

Blog Step 2:
Name your blog. Then enter the address for it. The address will be http://[NAME].blogspot.com

Blog Step 3:
Once you have set up your blog you need to choose a template.

Choose Design / Template Designer / Templates

Choose something you like, and then click on “Apply to Blog.”

Blog Step 4:
Click “Back to Blogger”

You now have a basic blog where you can upload your projects. To upload a project click on “Posting.”

Blog Step 5:
In a new post you can title your assignment, and then write a brief description of what you have created, and why. Explain your colour choice, subject choice, and any other choices you think may be important.

To attach the image simply click the “Add Image” button (third from the right on the icon bar.)

Once uploaded, the image will be added to your post.

Blog Step 6:
Click the “Publish Post” button.

Final Step:
Make sure you have e-mailed your teacher the address of your blog so that he/she may check your assignments.
Step Two.0:
Check out a few of the "About Me" sites linked below.  They are from professional websites and may help you accomplish Step Two.1.


Step Two.1:
Once you have your account, your first assignment will be to write a brief introduction about yourself.  You can format it in a question and answer style, or work it into a fully developed personal essay.  But, you must answer the following question in no less than 500 words (combined.  Don't worry.  You don't have to write 500 words for each and every question.  That would be crazy.)

You can go over 500 words if you'd like.  That's up to you.

The Questions Are:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your background with computer technology?
  3. What do you find most exciting about media?
  4. What is your favourite commercial, and why?
  5. A little bit about your background - where you're from, etc.
  6. What is your goal in the world of computer design / creation?
  7. What do you look forward to most (audio, video, or image).
  8. Any other information you think is important.

Step Three:
Once you are done with your written piece you may head on over to Facebook, or some other sort of site in which you have photos of yourself.  I would encourage you to add your image to this introductory piece.  After all, this is your virtual portfolio that you can use to show others your skills.  And, having your face associated with your name, is of great importance in the industry.

Step Four:
Create a text document [Right Click on the desktop] / New / Text Document
In the file copy and paste your website's address http://[yoursite].blogspot.ca
Save the text document.

Copy it to Barltrop/Media in the Drop Off folder.
[Double Click on Kipling CI] (a folder on your Desktop)
Open [Drop Off]
Open [Barltrop]
Drag your text file into [MEDIA]

Follow Up:
Your mark for this assignment will be a completion mark based on the following:
  • Did you drop off a text file with your site's address in it? (If this step is not completed there will be no marks awarded for any of the following aspects)
  • Do the 500 words or more answer the questions that were posed?
  • Is your Blogger site ready to act as an online portfolio for the rest of the school year?

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