Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Self-Directed Learning: Adobe Premiere (Pro/Elements)

In the Digital Era creation is a key component to success.  You will not have someone to teach you how to use each new tool you need to discover.  Luckily you also live in the era of the Internet.  Perhaps this will be looked back upon as the golden era of the internet.

It is up to you to discover how to create a picture-based slide show using Adobe Premiere (Pro or Elements - depending on what version you have installed on your machine.)

If you know how to find online tutorials, you're free to do that now.

[ Otherwise here is a quick primer explaining the wonders of the internet to you ]

If you absolutely, positively, can not figure it out on your own then you might want to try here.

Note: You may want to check out YouTube for audio/visual tutorials.
Second Note: Your tutorial may not be 100% accurate due to version differences.  But, the tool set is mostly universal, and your knowledge of Photoshop and Inkscape should give you a leg up.

Use 25 of the 70+ images below.
Add an audio file (MP3 or otherwise) of your choosing.

Add an introductory title sequence reading "Vacation Slideshow" before the images begin.


Extension Ideas:
When you have completed the 25 photo slide show

  • Try using a greater amount of images
  • Explore a variety of transition effects
  • Use a number of different filters and special effects
  • Learn how to use different titles
  • Cross fade two or more sound files, using various audio tracks
  • Explore the addition and deletion of tracks

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