Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Camera Work: Types of Shots

The image above details the eight most popular types of shots in film.  They range from the Extreme Long Shot, to the Extreme Close Up.  

With a partner, discuss what makes the eight types of shots different from one another.  When would a director want to use a long shot?  When would they want to use a close up?  What emotional impact can be achieved by using the different types of shots?

Group Activity:
Find or create a group of no more than four people.  There are fifteen images below.  If we accept that the first image is a "Long Shot" identify the types of shots used for the remaining 14 images.  Explain what makes the different shot types different from one another.  You will be required to compare the images to the Long Shot (or to each other) in order to explain the differences.  

Write a brief passage explaining the variety of shots found in the images below, and detail why at least five of them would be worth using if you were creating a feature film.

Individual Activity:
Choose five images and write two sentences, each, explaining the emotions that can be evoked by using different types of shots.  Rather than thinking about what is being shown in the shot, you should be writing about what the shot makes the viewer feel, emotionally.  And why that shot type creates that emotional connection.

[Note: All 15 images are based on the initial image, they have simply been zoomed in to highlight or exclude information.]

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