Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scott Pilgrim Poster Jam

Movie Posters - as different as they are - follow a very specific formula.  They have a number of qualities that are shared between styles, and types.

To be successful a movie poster must include:
- The Movie Title
- A tag line to make the film sound interesting
- The release date
- A large graphic image that represents the film

Most posters also include:
- The main actor's name
- A longer tag line
- Text detailing the producer, writer, director, actors, and other key people involved in the create of the film.

Note, in the example below, all of those qualities can be found on the poster for the Lizzy McGuire movie..

Below you will see a number of Movie Posters for the film Scott Pilgrim.  Note that some include all the above elements, while others are more streamlined - including a large, eye catching, image to gain attention.

An advertising campaign will normally include both types of posters.  One style to just get people looking, and interesting, and another style with more detailed information of the film.  Success depends on both types being use correctly.

You will find two Photoshop Files located in \KCI-Folder\Pick-Up\Barltrop\Media

One of the Photoshop files (movie poster.psd) is a basic template for a movie poster - based on the Lizzie McGuire poster above.  The other file (scott shop.psd) includes some images you may want to use for your next project.  They are already cut out, and ready for integration into a poster of your own creation.

Your Task:
You will be creating two movie posters for the film Scott Pilgrim.

One of them will be a very informative poster, with all of the required elements for a successful movie poster, as well as the elements most posters include.

The Second will be a simplified movie poster to gain attention, with only the required elements for a successful movie poster.

Those elements can be found listed at the top of this article.

You will need to research Scott Pilgrim vs. The World in order to gain all the required information for your poster.  You will also need to look up images from the internet to be used for your poster.  I would suggest by starting here.  However, there are a number of other places you can gain your images.

Your cutting and pasting skills will come into play here.  Being able to layer your image will also be a great help.

The skills you learned with Inkscape (such as gradient tools, and text tools) will be important for creating a successful poster.  You may even want to simplify some images you've found on the internet, with Inkscape, to use in your poster.  There have been a number of powerful posters created using vectoring techniques.

The rubric for your two posters is below:
 - all required elements are present

- assignment guidelines are adhered to

- information is correct

- learned inkscape and photoshop techniques are used in poster
- no more than two images from the scott_shop.psd file are used in your finished product

- poster shows an understanding of the required elements for movie posters
  - all required elements are present

- assignment guidelines are adhered to

- at least two images - not found in scott_shop.psd - are used in your finished product

- images and text are integrated in such a way as they compliment each other
 - poster is of acceptable size (no smaller than W750 x H1000).

- text is used in an effective way to communicate ideas

- images are used in an effective way to communicate ideas

- images attract and audience, and not cluttered
  - all required elements are present

- assignment guidelines are adhered to

- posters could feature in a professional advertising campaign

Hot Tip:
If you want to take a look at more movie poster examples, to help guide you on your way there are lots of places you can look.

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