Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Newspaper Bias on May 27th, 2013

Read the information provided at the following link: http://fair.org/take-action-now/media-activism-kit/how-to-detect-bias-in-news-media/
Write three sentences explaining the best ways to detect bias in Newspaper articles.  Also explain what bias means.   Keep in mind you will have to detect bias in a number of articles.

The articles above were all released on May 27th, 2013 by a variety of news sources.  Four Canadian, and one Foreign.

Choose, and read three of the articles, and compare the language used in each of them.  

For each article you must complete the following questions:
  1. In what way does the newspaper work to make Rob Ford look negative?
  2. In what way does the newspaper work to make Rob Ford look less negative?
  3. Make a list of five terms of "loaded language" and explain what effect they have

Look at the comment section of the articles which have comment sections:
  1. Are the majority comments in favour of Rob Ford or Against Rob Ford?
  2. Copy and paste three comments from each article that typify the type of comments found there.
  3. Explain why you think those three comments match the common voice of that comment section.
  4. Choose which of the comment sections you agree with most, and explain why you agree with it.

Look up one additional article about Rob Ford from each of the four sources you looked at.  Think about, "does the way the newspaper portrays Rob Ford match the way that newspaper portrays him in the other articles?"  

Write a paragraph describing your personal feelings about Rob Ford, having read the various articles from a multitude of sources.  Be sure to link your opinions to specific details in the articles you looked at.

Write another paragraph describing which newspaper you think shows him in the most "Factual" (non biased) light, as well as which newspaper shows him in the most biased light.

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