Monday, November 4, 2013

Interactive Fiction: Twine - Part One

Step One:
Explore some of the stories created with the Twine system.

Memorial - A brother's goodbye.
Vacuum - A mother's love for her schizophrenic son
Beginning - An RPG Adventure
A Story of Your Choosing - Choose one

For each of the three games, I want you to answer the following questions (Each question should be answered with two sentences):

  1. What is the story about?
  2. What would be different about this story if it wasn't 'interactive'?
  3. What is different about this story, when compared to the other two?
  4. What do you like about this story?
  5. What do you dislike about this story?

Step Two:
Read through the following Twine and complete the questions below.

Video Games - An introductory Twine-Based guide that explains how to create interactive entertainment

  1. What is the pyramid of privilege?
  2. What is the importance of verb-based design?
  3. What is twine?
  4. Complete the writing prompt mentioned at the end of the Twine.

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