Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Big Assignment: Making a Mini-Movie

You've learned to use Adobe Premier in the following ways:

  • Embed clips and video files
  • Create smaller clips from larger video files
  • Add audio files (this works the same for small sound effects)
  • Fade out video
  • Fade in video
  • Fade between two video tracks
  • Add titles
  • Use transitions
Essentially you're expert movie makers right now.  Everything they do to edit "real movies" you can now do.  How fantastic is that?

Your assignment - which must be completed and handed in - must fulfill the following criteria.

[   ] Choose a theme (cartoons, Dr. Who, or soccer) and add a soundtrack that fits the theme
[   ]  Use at least three video files 
[   ]  [   ]  Create at least fifteen smaller clips from the larger clips
[   ]  Fade between two clips
[   ]  Use three appropriate transitions that don't distract
[   ]  Add sound effects where appropriate (http://www.mediacollege.com/downloads/sound-effects/)
[   ]  [   ]  [   ]  Create an entertaining and engaging video that follows a narrative path.

You can find the clips at: 1058-PickUp\[TEACHER]\Video Files

Note: Your video must be at least 3 minutes long.

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